This post will be too long, but we did a lot in December...
This picture is actually Jan. 3rd, but oh well. The kids were so happy to wake up to snow! They played happily all morning in it, and then it melted by lunch time. I was reminded why we live in Las Vegas and now I can stop wondering if we should go back to Idaho. I hate driving in snow, all the clothes and gear, and putting gloves or mittens on small children. So there it is.

snowman on the trampoline

this is our street looking at the mountain

such cuteness

she rolls over now and is kind of a maniac

GOLFING!!!! This is what Isaac lives for...

Town square park maze

Bennett figured out how to cross his eyes, so all pictures are just more fun that way.

In December, Bennett's best friend came to visit from Texas. We all love her.

They have fun together. Precious little arranged marriage!

Sweet Isaac turned 4!

We had a fun party... lots of games because that is all Isaac cares about.

He wanted a soccer cake.

Gingerbread Houses

Bennett had his first awards ceremony for kindergarten.

My parents spent Christmas with us this year and we loved it! It was so much fun!

Here they are before church on Sunday

Grandma brought crafts for Christmas eve... such a hit!

Tuffy got dressed up and ran in the room where the boys were trying to fall asleep on Christmas eve! What a festive little dog!

He wouldn't hold still for a picture....

The boys freaked out, they were so excited and Tuffy looked hilarious!

Here is Alli waiting for Santa to come!

Alli and Grandpa on Christmas morning.... she is pointing at the presents.

Grandma and the kids... we took a lot of this shot and not one of them had all the kids even facing the camera.... so funny!

I don't know who put this group of animals and toys together, maybe Isaac? He seems proud of it!

A little elf.