
Baby's second bath. She is not sure what to think....

The boys (Jackson, Bennett and Isaac) all crowd around Allison. They are not used to a baby, let alone a female. They all treat her with love and are so excited to have her home.

Aunt Ann came to visit and help out. Grandma Betty came earlier this summer and did so much for us. Ann came out to help while Adam had to have his yearly inventory at work. Without the help of Ann and Betty, we wouldn't have made it through this difficult time...

The dog, Tuffy, is not sure what to think about this intruder into his life. He is feeling neglected and left out.

I think Allison is getting tired of having her picture taken.

This girl has freakishly long legs. She is bound to be like her freakishly tall aunts, Rachel and Millie. FYI, Allison's tall dad isn't freakish.


The day Allison came home from the hospital, 8/23/10.

Allison with her proud dad. (So very TIRED...this is the day after my inventory, which took 18 hours to complete)

Britt's camera has six different filter settings. We did the same shot, one on each setting. Which do you like the best?







Hats off to all you bloggers...this took me 4 attempts, and it is more difficult than it looks. We had our fourth child this morning, a beautiful girl. She was 9lbs, 3oz and 20.5 inches long. She has dark brown hair and blue eyes. Brittany came through like a trooper, and was back to her old self 5 minutes after the surgery. We will probalby name her Allison, but that is not yet set in stone. The picture at the very bottom was taken roughly 3 minutes after she was born. All of the other pics came later, pre and post-bath. Brittany is doing great and is feeling fantastic. She will probably be coming home this coming Monday.