
This is what I wake up to:

And this is a little "lego scene" that Jackson made:

He wanted me to take a picture of it and I thought it was hilarious! He loves the lego a day blog and keeps wanting to make his own.


Natalie said...

Oh Alli! What can I say. What a cute face to wake up to. I laughed so hard at the Lego scene. :)Such a creative boy.

Melissa said...

Looks like heaven! Also, I love the Lego scene. So clever!

Stephanie said...

Awww, nothing like waking up to a pudgy little nursing babe! I'm trying to think of anything better and can't really. :) I love the lego scene! GENIUS!

Ashley said...

I love his Lego Scene. You should let him update his own blog from years ago with this. I also want to hug and squish Alli!

kimball said...

The babies are so cute. What a heavenly blog.

Luisa said...

The LEGO scene is awesome...so cute he did that! Alli is so cute:)

marie said...

So sweet, I miss waking up to babies.