Here is how it started: He figured out how to get out of his crib about 6 months ago. He was not quite old enough to understand "stay in your bed or else..." so, after a few long days and nights (ie: him coming in my room a few times a night just to say hi), we bought a crib net and trapped him in. This net, or "tent" as we taught him to call it (in an effort to trick him into thinking it might be fun), has been a lifesaver.
Well, all good things have to come to an end sometime, and last week was the end. He figured out how to get out with the net on. He is like Houdini! He gets out and I go in his room and the net is still on. It does not look disturbed. So we put him in over and over again.... begin the calm, loving reasoning on why he needs to stay in bed and ending in threatening to take his blanket away, etc. To make a long story short, we are done with naps and bedtime is hellish instead of calming.
Does anyone have ANY ideas for us? Seriously we might try anything. After observing his skills at staying in the crib because we have told him to, I am hesitant to use a toddler bed yet. But maybe that is what we have to do... who knows?