


This Halloween was Chaotic!

This Halloween we had so much fun... but there was so much happening that we took no pictures! We went to fall festival, trunk-or-treat, and passed out candy on the real Halloween night. So I had three chances where the kids were dressed up and I missed them all.
So, the day after Halloween as I started putting all the Halloween stuff away, I realized this and got the kids to dress up for a quick picture.
"Um, mom, he's squeezing my head."

bow to your sensei

cutest ninja ever

just an arm move

don't be afraid

here is a small part of the costume he wore... also had a beard, bandana, and ears....
he made it up on his own

optimus prime

poor alli. such a good sport.

tuffy had a jail dog costume. he hated it!

cozy jammies


Air show! 2009

Last year about this time, we went to the Nellis air show with the Bradfords.... it is clear that I only took my camera out once and took a few pics with none of the Bradfords... but here it is anyway!


Ranch Nov. 2009

Last year we took a fun trip to the Grand Canyon with our friends. We had so much fun...
Here is the helicopter we rode in.

Here is a view from above... we stayed in one of the cabins and it was awesome. You can stay in the teepees too but there is only one bed, so we wouldn't all fit.

We took a helicopter tour of the Grand Canyon. It was amazing!

Here are Jackson, Bennett and I in the air... Isaac was too young to go up in a helicopter.

Cute Adam.

Isaac wore his boots of course!

Jackson practiced roping and got pretty good.

Bennett wore his boots too and here is a picture of Isaac about to be hit by a wooden bench swing.

Here is Bennett riding a horse!

Isaac's turn on the horse.

We went on a trail ride... here is Adam, Sophia, Omar, me, Jackson, and Mica.

Jackson did great on his own... wasn't his first time.

Trying to get a family picture but this guy just jumped in at the last minute!

Cute, happy kids....

Cute, little friends... Jackson and Juliana.

Omar and Virginia at the campfire.

Me with Bennett and Mica and Julie back there with Jackson.


Halloween 2009- (only a year late)

Last year, about this time of the year, my camera was having issues, the computer was having issues, and we were getting ready to move, we got new church callings, had health problems, etc. These are all the reasons why I didn't blog for a while, but here is some catch up....

Isaac would wake up every morning and bring his "hee-ho" downstairs (it's a stuffed monkey). He would put him in a chair and sit in the chair next to him and drink a sippy cup of milk.
SO cute.

This was Halloween last year! We had a little party at our friends house. Adam was Edward scissorhands, but he is not wearing his scissorhands here. I was a lady in a robe with crazy hair.... lame, I know.

Trunk-or-treat... the frog is about to be cut up. Jackson was a guy riding an ostrich and Bennett was Bumblebee the transformer. I-I was a frog.

Eating donuts with no hands at another Halloween party.

Ben is skirting the rules here to eat his donut as quickly as possible.

Forget the rules, I want a donut. This is Isaac's other costume!

Here are J and B at the scout field trip to the shark reef.

I love him.

Here is the man on the ostrich... his school does a costume parade and his costume was a BIG deal! I'm not sure if he was embarrassed or pleased.

Such a sweet boy.

Here is Bennett with his best friend Sadie before preschool started.

So excited for Halloween... handsome little guy.


ben & tuffy

I realized that I have hardly any pictures of
Bennett without Tuffy. He loves Tuffy and Tuffy does a great
job tolerating the love.