
Grandpa Lee

We went out to see him with Ann, Clay, and Ashlin, and Grandpa Lee seemed entertained by watching the kids.

Adam's Grandpa Lee is such a great man. He is kind and loving and he says the same funny phrases no matter what. I like him so much. I am not really sure if he recognized us completely, but he looked great for a man in his 90's. We were really glad that we got out there to see him and that the kids got to meet him again.

Sweet Jackson

When I clean out our house (not often enough), I give the bags of stuff to a place here called Safe Nest. It is a shelter for women and children. The main reason I give to them is because you just call, leave the bags or boxes on the driveway, and they pick up.

So this morning, I was talking to Jackson about legos, and he was telling me that he wanted to buy a certain lego set. He has changed his mind a hundred times on which one he wants, of course, but this time it is some sort of sand crawler. His money from diabetes research is his to choose with, meaning, we told him that he can decide what to do with it. He decided to buy one lego set and save the rest for his mission.... what a good boy.

Well, after he told me about the sand crawler, I said: "and then the rest is for your mission?"
And he said: "no, I think I will give some to that place where moms and kids go if their dad goes nuts and stuff."

I love this kid... I don't even remember him asking about Safe Nest, but he pays attention and thinks things through. What a sweet boy.

And by the way, he thinks that his $50 a month from the hospital is equivalent to millions I guess since he is being a philanthropist with a portion of it! :)


Relaxing Time in Surprise

We had such a great time at our cousins house in Surprise AZ. They live out in the desert and it is awesome. We went down to visit Adam's grandpa and stayed with Ann and Clint and we had a lot of fun. I will post on Grandpa Lee later.

Posing on a rock.

Kings of the Mountain
Adam, Jackson, Bennett, Clay, and Clint climbed to the top of the mountain.

Bubba in the tub.

Tough little army man

Riding four-wheelers

Bennett and Adam

Jackson lost a tooth at their house on Valentine's Day. The tooth fairy came and left him extra money because it was a holiday! He was pretty excited.... and I was happy Ann was there to pull it since it was freaking me out a little. It was one of those "hanging by a thread" teeth... not my forte.

They have this room with cutouts in the walls and the kids all took turns climbing up and jumping out onto the mattress below. It might have been their favorite thing ever!

Isaac's turn

Bennett's turn

Jackson's turn

The kids swam in a heated hot tub.

Nice jump Jackson!

Hanging out with Clay.

Jumping on the trampoline.

Isaac loved to explore the rocks around the pool, and thank goodness he has a patient dad.

Blog Lag....

Well, I did a good job blogging regularly for a short while and then I had a vacation to Arizona, two days home, then a vacation to California, and when you combine that with sick people and my computer breaking (thank you Adam for being smart enough to fix it by only replacing one part.... and not having to pay someone else) then that explains the lack of blogs. There is a lot to blog about now so it may actually be more interesting than usual too.


Past Few Days

Here's what we have been up to....

Isaac begging to play the Wii and pretending to play the Wii. He says in a high voice,"MarioCart Wii- woo hoo!" and sounds just like the guy on the game. It is cute and dysfunctional all at once.

I went with Jackson's class to the Mirage on a field trip. It was such an awesome field trip! They did a private dolphin show for us and let us get REALLY close to the dolphins. Then we got to walk through Sigfried and Roy's Secret Gardens and look at all the big cats. It was fun.

Bennett wore this Utah shirt home from his friends house one day and refused to take it off until I promised I would wash it that night so he could wear it again (he had slept in it and everything). Luckily his parents aren't BYU nuts even though we both graduated from there. That look in the picture is hostility by the way. I was talking to him about taking it off.

Cute Jackson lost this tooth on the way home from the field trip on the bus! It was pretty cute how excited he was! the other front tooth is hangin by a thread... any day now!



I thought I loved the rain, but I figured out that I only like the rain when my house is clean and my week is not busy. Then I can bake, let the kids track water in and out, and turn on the right music. Today the weather is cold and stormy and I had a messy house from the weekend, no groceries (which meant a trip to Walmart), a Dr.'s appt. at 4pm, and a busy week to get ready for. Darn it.


This boy is so precious.... I am freaking out every day over him!
I seriously can't get enough of him. Every time I have a 2-year-old I feel this way, they are just the best age. Still so chubby and sweet. Talking so cute and so in love with momma still.

(excuse this picture of me- thrashed after a day of church without dad-naptime!)

Here are a few of the things Isaac loves right now:

My parents brought us a set of nesting dolls from their cruise to Alaska a couple of years ago and Isaac has discovered them and loves them. He plays with them ALL the timel. He calls the big one daddy and the next one mommy, then each of the little girl dolls (there are three) are him and his brothers. It is his version of playing house. They talk to eachother and lay down and go night night. My other boys didn't play like this and I love it!

His cowboy boots... even with his pajamas. Makes sense, afterall, his middle name is Hawkins and his great-grandpa Hawkins was a real cowboy.

His cowboy shirt which he gets out every time it is clean and goes around yelling "horse!" until I put it on him. Thank goodness his favorite shirt is cute. Usually kids pick the tacky hand-me-down shirt that you have to hide from them to be their favorite.

His dad. This boy LOVES Adam. He will always choose him over mom and that is great! From the second Adam gets home from work until bedtime, he is glued to Adam. And, with good reason, because Adam is so fun and loves Isaac so much too. It is pretty cute!

All things football... including these football pajamas. We actually happen to have two of the same pair his size. I guess they were on sale somewhere when Jackson was 2 years old, since all his pajamas are from Jackson. He actually loves all sports things... basketball, soccer, baseball, football.... he doesn't really care. He is such a perfect little boy. We love him.


The Best Boy

Today when I was playing "dogs" with Bennett, I told him he was just the best boy (which I tell all my boys). He had been cuddling with me and sat up straight and said, "No mom! The best boy is paying your tithing!" No idea what he means but he is cute!