
A Happy Morning

This is one of the best mornings we have had in a long time mainly because everyone got enough sleep. It was Isaac's first night in his new big boy bed... funny story with that.

We were wanting to get him a car bed for a little while. On Saturday morning (after a difficult night with him) I found a car toddler bed on Craig's list to buy. We were supposed to pick it up from the lady on the way to Jackson's football game and Bennett's soccer game. Halfway there we realized we forgot Jackson's flags and mouthguard. So we went home and I called the lady and told her we would be there after our games. At the game I happened to mention to my friend Jill Smith that we were getting Isaac a car bed after the game. She said she had that exact bed in her storage unit that she would just give us. Isn't that funny? We almost bought it before the game... being kind of disorganized and forgetting things sometimes pays off! Thank you SO much Smiths... you guys are too nice.

So last night we put little Isaac lovingly to bed with everything in his room safe and comfortable... then we locked the door from the outside... and left him to figure it right out for himself. He did great! He cried a little bit and knocked on the door a little, then he went to his bed and went to sleep. This morning at 5:00am he tried again to come out and when no one responded for about 15 minutes... miracle of miracles... he got back in bed and went to sleep until 7:15. If you know this kid, you know that this is a miracle. He just needed some boundaries.

And he is actually a lot happier for it! So, hopefully this ends the Isaac not sleeping, getting out of bed, acting like he is magic and opening every lock, door, cupboard, drawer, etc.... okay I am getting carried away. He still will climb and jump off of everything and be a wild boy, but I am hoping he will be well rested and so will I!


Easter 2009

The boys had a fun Easter. There is just nothing like cheap, hollow chocolate.


Jackson's school had decade day and he seriously wanted to dress up as Elvis. I thought I got some great shots of his full body jumpsuit, but it was on my phone so this is it for now. This is on the way to school and he was way too cool to pose or even look at the camera by the time we were close to school. He said he loved dressing up as Elvis and was not self-conscious at all. He is so cute. My favorite part are the giant sideburns.


Spring Break

We went to Utah for Spring Break this year and it was so much fun! Thank you to my parents for transporting 4 extra people and helping out with Isaac A LOT. He is a cute and whiney boy on vacation. We had so much fun and especially got to spend some time with Grandma Hill and Grandpa Hawkins and other family members that we don't get to see enough. It was so great!
Grandma Hill has had some serious health problems in the last few months and so I expected her to be a lot different and I was wrong! She was just the same (except that we really had to make her stay sitting and not get up and do things). She was happy and upbeat and fun like she has always been, and my kids just loved her!

These two got along great (thankfully).

Here we are with my cousin Haley who we met up with at the Dinosaur Museum.

Cute little Bennett

Here is my dad with his dad at the Cracker Barrell.

Grandpa Hawkins has always been one of my favorite people. He has not been feeling well for a while and I loved getting to see him and talk to him. He is such a sweet man.

This horse was so nice to us. He would follow us up and down the road when we walked next to the area by his fence. The kids just loved him. He would sniff the boys' heads when they got close and they laughed so hard.

Taking turns on the swing.

This swing became a Star Wars game... not really sure how that happened, but these two boys were really into it.

Isaac was on this rockinghorse for about 20 minutes at a time.

My Grandpa Hawkins lives on my Uncle Davey J's farm and my boys LOVED the farm. There was really only one day of beautiful weather, but they played so hard that day! Jackson asked why we don't live on a farm... and he was serious! Just wondering :)....... I had to break the news to him that everyone wants to live on a farm but hardly anyone gets to. That life is meant for little boys. They were just in HEAVEN.


Three Great Guys

I have been hanging out a lot with these three guys and they are so great.

Isaac is still having sleep issues, although I do think we are doing better than we were a week ago.... most days. This picture is blurry, but this hat is one that all 3 boys have worn out and loved, and Isaac is fitting right in by being obsessed with it.

Bennett is the funniest person I know. Not the funniest kid, he is the funniest person. More hilarious than any comic or friend I have... he seriously cracks everyone up. And he is really smart so I can't wait to see what he does with his life.

Jackson has been on track break for a little while and I love it. I love year-round school. He is great to have around and kind of acts like an adult a lot so he and I are totally good friends. I actually do enjoy his company a lot. He is very serious when he gets awards at school:). How could you be so serious with such a motley little group of kids around you? Just kidding, that was rude.