
Antibody Testing

We spent more time at the Children's Hospital in L.A... this time to get the little boys tested for the diabetes antibodies for the natural history test. Also Jackson got a fasting blood sugar test and his usual treatment. I cannot believe how tough these kids are. Everyone was poked and had blood taken or something put into them and not one cried! They didn't even get nervous. I think it is because needles are not a foreign object at our house.

This is cute Bennett with numbing cream before his test.

Isaac with numbing cream before his test.

Jackson just chilling out with a bunch of stuff hooked to him.... he seriously does not care what they do.
We should get the results soon for these tests and we are hoping for the Doctor to say that neither boy shows any antibodies!!! Isaac had high blood sugar for a few months until the Dr. told us about an experimental way to bring it down and we have tried it and it seems to be working so we are holding our breaths and hoping for the best.


Ashley said...

I love how all of their pictures show their personalities.

Stephanie said...

Wow they seriously are so tough! You guys sure have some crazy hangouts and hobbies. ;) Ashley told me about isaacs treatment and I think that is so cool! It seems like we really will see a cure for diabetes in our lifetime and that is awesome!!

Jessica F. said...

You are amazing. Keep me posted. I think of you often and wish you guys the best!!!

Hema and Becky said...

Wow! I hope that you get good news back. What a blessing to be right on the edge of the new diabetes testing.

Erin said...

What a bunch of tough boys! They will all make great football players!

The Pixton Family said...

Wow, your guys are troopers. I can't believe how resilient kids are- I hope you get good news!